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I am Women
Age 47 years old
Ethnicity Caucasian

Mature Irish Woman offering Tantric, Swedish and Esalen Massage Therapy for Men, Women and Couples who are looking to improve their intimate relationships.

Professional, caring, sensual, open minded and fun practitioner. I am not an escort. My therapies emphasise the importance of caring for the intimacy within your relationships as part of the healing process. Through practices such as sensual massage therapy and sacred sensuality exploration, I hold space for you to reconnect to self or each other on a deeper emotional level while also experiencing increased physical pleasure.

My therapies aim to use various techniques such as deep breathing, relaxation, connecting exercises to help drop you into reality to truly see, feel and experience the sensation in the body, senses and energy. There are seven main principles within Tantra which Tantric massage aims to incorporate. These principles are Surrender, Awareness, Movement, Breath, Sound, Intention, and Acceptance.

Come join me for a true Tantric Experience which can stimulate so many beautiful experiences in your life, releasing of old ways to make way for newer brighter opportunities.

All in a state of complete relaxation and bliss.

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Tantric Therapy

  • Caucasian
  • € p/h incall
  • Navan

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